Tag Archives: taylor swift

Taylor Swift on SNL!!!!!!

There’s something about SNL promos that are completely awkward.  I spent some time watching a bunch of them on hulu not long ago, and most of them are painful to watch.  Self-promotion is hard to pull off well.  Most of the hosts crash and burn with the format:

  1. Host says that he/she is hosting, and also mentions the musical guest.
  2. Cast member does/says something that warrants a reaction from the host.
  3. Host reacts.

That third part is the clincher.  If the host doesn’t react in a genuine and funny way, the whole thing kind of fails.  The viewer can tell when the host just feels awkward about the whole thing.  They look awkward, the viewer feels awkward.  It’s hard all around.  Because I’m rooting for them.  Hosting SNL is a big deal.  You’ve made some kind of name for yourself if you’re invited.  But there is that very real danger of being god awful.  And the promo is often an indication of how the show will go.

That said, Taylor Swift is hosting this week, AND she’s the musical guest.  And I predict, based on the fact that she’s awesome, that she’ll do a good job.  And by good job, I mean as good of a job as is possible.  I hope.

I think Taylor Swift’s reactions in her promos are really impressive.  Before you watch hers, though, watch the promo with Peyton Manning and Carrie Underwood.  Peyton does well, but Carrie…  Kind of painful.  Compare and contrast.

Things that are making me infinitely happy–

The Academy Awards have left me inspired, motivated, optimistic, and feeling light and fizzy. Even Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron are starting to grow on me. Anyway, here! look! exciting:

Barbara Walters really should have interviewed Taylor Swift instead of The Jonas Brothers during her Oscars special tonight, but that’s okay because:


And speaking of the Barbara Walters special, this is literally THE most awkward thing (no, really…it is…), but Hugh Jackman is a dream, regardless:

And, I’m feeling really grateful for the people associated with Milk. I suck for not seeing that film or the majority of the other nominated films from tonight, but fuck yeah to them for bringing attention to Prop 8!

As a sort of intellectual nightcap of sorts I will now retire to bed with the genius of the latest installment of the This American Life podcast.

Final note: Barbara Walters asked Anne Hathaway to finish the statement, “Anne Hathaway is…” and she replied, “Anne Hathaway is happy.” My sentiments exactly.

Eh, it’s Monday. You know how it goes.

Last week, Marilyn Monroe provided this quote on the Witty Women calendar: “If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.”

I agree wholeheartedly with this quote.  I really do.  Laughter is more likely to turn me into a man raper than all the AXE body spray on top of all the dresser drawers of all the high school boys in America. 

Anyway.  Can someone tell me how to prevent receiving this message on YouTube?

Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe’s Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe’s Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.
I must have JavaScript turned off because I’ve installed the latest Flash player, like, twenty times.  All I want to do is watch Taylor Swift be the most adorable thing ever and it’s very frustrating to not be able to waste my evening doing so.  I could not care less about The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Zac Efron, etc, but I am completely in love with Taylor Swift.  You know why?  She’s not one of those Disney Channel creations.  Ashley Tisdale’s got NOTHING on this girl.  Taylor Swift wrote every song on her debut album and it went triple platinum.  That’s nuts.  That’s like telling Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, and the rest of those country boys to suck it.
Anyway, I could say more, but I plan to bake a broccoli quiche this evening and I’m lacking a pie crust.   
This kind of ruins my appetite, though.

This kind of ruins my appetite, though.